Stella Brennan is an artist based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Her work has been shown in Australia, Asia, North America and Europe. Her videos have been exhibited in the Sydney and Liverpool Biennials and her installation Wet Social Sculpture, featuring whale song, psychedelic film and a fully operational spa pool, was a nominated finalist in the 2006 Walters Prize.
Stella curated the exhibitions Nostalgia for the Future (Artspace Auckland 1999), Dirty Pixels (Artspace, the Adam Art Gallery, the Dunedin Public Art Gallery and the Waikato Museum of Art and History, 2002-3), and co-curated Cloudland: Digital Art from Aotearoa New Zealand (The Substation Singapore, 2008). She has attended residencies in New York, Sydney, Hamilton and New Plymouth.
Stella has written essays for artists including Ann Veronica Janssens and Patricia Piccinini, as well as art criticism for magazines including Art Asia Pacific, Eyeline Magazine, Australia,the New Zealand Listener and Art New Zealand. Stella co-founded the Aotearoa Digital Arts discussion list and in 2008 she and Su Ballard edited the Aotearoa Digital Arts Reader, the first comprehensive text on digital arts practice in New Zealand.
She is represented by Trish Clark.